Programmes | Jakarta Tutors


Private Tutoring

Groups for Tutoring

Jakarta Professional Tutors offers two main programs

  •  Private Tutoring
  •  Groups for Tutoring

Jakarta Professional Tutors offers a wide range of academic subjects. Sessions can be set up as private or students may form groups for tutoring. Private sessions offer intense individual assistance, but groups sessions can also be beneficial with decreased economic costs and the use of team-based approach. Jakarta Professional Tutors offers an extensive collection of past exams which are invaluable for teaching the material and for exam preparation. Jakarta Professional Tutors provides a measurable report progress for the students.


Private Tutoring

Jakarta Tutors Area Covered: South and West Jakarta, Serponng, BSD, South Tanggerang and Depok

Private Home Tutoring service cover most of school subject such as Math, Physics, Chemistry, English,  Social studies, Business Studies, etc.  Tutors are familiar and experienced with IB, Singaporean and Cambridge curriculum

All of our tutors are experienced and professional. we have 3 catagories for tutors :

  1. Expat Tutors
  2. Local Tutors With Full English
  3. Local Bilingual Tutors

For detail tuition fees, please go to tuition fees page.